i want script Origins EE Give player money after finish
Hello guys i want script that do after i finish the EE give all player in the server money in bank file
i use a bank that save player's money on /file/bank-> then Here all Guid players like 54309.txt
inside the txt files is player's moneyEdit: i dont have experience on gsc
All players who participated in said easter egg or the entire file?
asunaqq just the player that finish the easter egg
Do you have a function that determines when an easter egg is completed?
asunaqq i saw someone in want same as me but he did it see this post
That's the entire script though, no?
easterEggComplete() { level endon("end_game"); level waittill("tomb_sidequest_complete"); players = getPlayers(); foreach (player in players) { guid = player getGuid(); path = "bank/" + guid + ".txt"; if (fileExists(path)) { player.pers["bank"] = int(player.pers["bank"]) + 250000; player updateBankValue(player.pers["bank"]); player tell("^2$^7" + valueToString(250000) + " deposited for finishing EE"); } } }
Credits to notpiratecantfly for basically the entire script just a small modification added
asunaqq i got errors