spiderweb bowie knife camo
I made this a while ago but thought it could be cool to put on here
it's bascially just the bowie knife with a spider web texture and it says bowie knife along the top in katakana, but I made a version without the text
without the text
With text
(with text)~~-gusa_knife_bowie_s-rgb&~-r~98f5d615.iwi
(with text)usa_knife_bowie_c.iwi
(with text)~-gusa_knife_bowie_c.iwi
Without text
(no text)usa_knife_bowie_c.iwi
(no text)~-gusa_knife_bowie_c.iwi
(no text)~~-gusa_knife_bowie_s-rgb&~-r~98f5d615.iwijust remove the part that says "(with text)" or "(without text)" from the beginning of the file name before putting it in your plutonium directory
damn we got ourselfs in a sticky situation
This post is deleted!
where did you get the gloves for Misty?
2alias I got these 2 textures and combined them
https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/33135/misty-black-gloves-with-fish-netbut I'll leave the texture here if u wanna use it
~-gviewarm_zom_farmergirl_c.iwi -
HomerJay42 Thank you so much i appreciate it