πAll Reflective Gold AK Family's with Extra Guns!π
Very cool camos
leangutt i updated the link so try downloading it again
FutureRave thank you -
The sky clear how
itzqyattz its a script that i downloaded but it only works on your own match not on servers
GhostRider0125 link?
itzqyattz here ya go to use it at bottom left corner of your screen right click your windows icon and select Run then type : %localappdata%
then go to plutonium folder then storage then t6 then put your files in (scripts) folder
and done
https://mega.nz/file/zqI1QJoa#KL-elzcbucW85IIAaux1NPGiV76W2_meWeiLF-r81zY -
Thats gangsta
Reealithy thanks lad hope you enjoy it
GhostRider0125 thx bro
itzqyattz np dude
undefined GhostRider0125 referenced this topic on
what is the camo that needs to be remplaced pls ?
Mohamtz57 it changes the weapon texture itself, that means there's no camo
Mohamtz57 yeah its not like you can put camos on zombies like bo3 onward
undefined GhostRider0125 referenced this topic on
GhostRider0125 hello bro, can You give me the wall gun skin mod? Raimbow, thanks
Izi selva sure budy heres the tier one that i made
And this is all rainbow one by this guy
https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/18632/zm-custom-skin-wall-weapons-all-maps?_=1688691110037 -
GhostRider0125 can you reupload the second link please?
GhostRider0125 jajaja my bad bro, the link of mega the your link is fallen, can you reupload the files? thanks, my english is basic