How can I improve in bo 2 multiplayer?
Hello, I'm new to Bo2 multiplayer and I'd like to know some tips to improve in the game, such as what weapons to use, how to move, how to use the sniper, etc. It would be very useful if you could give me some advice, thanks.
play more
you can watch some YouTube videos about it and learn different play styles and what to choose and not in your class
Bo2 is the most versatile you can be with its pick 10 system
if you ask me i say start with an smg
Especially Peacekeeper its the most versatile weapon very good hipfire and accuracyYou can make it a deadly close to mid weapon with the right attachments
once your good with it try other guns see what fits your way of playing
You'd be good with sensor grenades as I recommend it. It's a way to see threats before you meet 'em.
Look up best class set ups
on youtube but no matter what you do make sure you have the perk toughness equipped