Black Ops 2 Zombies Reimagined
IKennyAgain Pretty sure you can just change the texture for the red screen blood splatter, make it a dot or smth an call it a day
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What do I need to do to activate the mod? It's in my mods folder, I tried both zipped and unzipped.
Hello Mr. developer/creator/friend/etc, the mod is amazing, the truth is I'm not a very frequent video game player, but Bo2 is on my mind and thanks to people like you I can play this and also with improvements that I had no idea were possible to add mods to this.
First complaint. I didn't find anywhere how it could have been installed. Only reading from here on reddit I could see that a single comment said how to do it and it was also wrong since you yourself corrected it.
Second complaint. I want to know how I can play online with a friend who also has the mod and we want to play it but we don't know how to do it, or what to do since the option to join a room is disabled
That's all, thanks -
Andrew01 hey if you don't mind telling me, what was the needed command to enable the mod?
Spiderpig420 To install it, (at least that's how I did it) you must go to the path of the pLutonium folder. Which by default is in: C:\Users\Andres\AppData\Local\Plutonium\storage\t6\mods
you must put the mod folder in the mods folder
I may be totally wrong with this, but that's how I did it. And to start it you must obviously be in zombies in the game and go to a section that says mods, there it will tell you to load it and that's it.
That's what I did, I hope it helps, I just want the developer to answer me how I can get it up and running online with my soul mate -
you can build the shield or something else and take it withoute the 1000 points??
Andrew01 You're supposed to drop the contents of what's in the BO2-Reimagined folder into the t6 folder. That's how you get it working.
afterlife counter on mob is not showing and why the sticky nades on mob. other than that, amazing work on everything
got a bit of issue, the round counter bottom left just shows up as a red box, and it blinks white when the round is over so you can't figure out which round you are on.
Teknu23 there seems to be a problem on its texture then, or at the script that handles it. first thing to assure would be that you didnt added any other mod on top of it or something like that, that was usually the problem with me years ago.
there is a glitch in the map origins the mod make it so it will spon only 3 panzers and you cant get the drone to finish the ester egg this glitch startet on alpha 7 and still continius