[ZM] Black Ops II Rezurrected - Map Select Icons
I'm working on a massive texture overhaul of Black Ops II Zombies I'm calling Black Ops II: Rezurrected, and I thought I'd start releasing some stuff I've been working on slowly. These are all the Map Selection Icons (or signposts as described in the gamefiles) for each zombies map, no AI was used, but I do rip things from clipart and tweak it a lot, hope you guys like it and expect more soon
menu_zm_map_signpost_buried.iwi menu_zm_map_signpost_highrise.iwi menu_zm_map_signpost_nuketown.iwi menu_zm_map_signpost_tomb.iwi menu_zm_map_signpost_transit.iwi team_icon_hellcatraz.iwi
[ZM] Black Ops II Rezurrected - Map Select Icons
Now I wonder how the mob icon would be with the afterlife replacing the skull
Awesome work btw never thought i would see someone redoing these. wonder how they get in a menu with all easter eggs and cards inserted
Hi, Do these just get dropped into the images folder like everything else because mine dont seem to be working? Sick icons though and I would love to use them
The tranzit one looks bit... wierd. Think T.E.D the bus driver would serve as a good map icon
Nice pack dude really digging the buried one ( get it
) but for Nuketown the old one looks way better and cooler
AdrX003 Its funny you say this, as originally I was going to do that but it just didn't look right to me. Also, thanks for feedback, i would love to make map calling cards but allas, no way to use calling cards in bo2 zombies as of now
Rillix 999 Yes, you should be able to drop these in the folder that every other texture swap goes into. I have seen that sometimes downloading these will add a bunch of numbers to the beginning of the file name so just be sure that the name of the file matches the link names. Also Thank you, I'm glad you like them.
Cawldwink Much like the Mob of the Dead one, i did initially use the Bo6 prestige icon for green run, but I thought the original was great, so I just touched it up and added some fire to further its detail.
GhostRider0125 I appreciate the kind words, yeah, I gotta say Nuketown was the hardest one for me to redesign since the original was pretty dope, but I just went with a grungy nuke symbol instead just cause I felt it symbolized the map a little better, but of course to each their own.