I have an error starting the game
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Corrupted basegame, re run piry as admin then try launching pluto.
thanks, I solved this but now I have a new error in multiplayer, when I enter, after 5 seconds the screen freezes but the normal game continues to sound, then I get an error and that is the following:
I go into that folder that tells me the location and this is what is in the txt file:
Exception Code: 0xC0000005
Exception Address: 0x0074F155 -
Go to %localappdata%/Plutonium, you should see a crashdumps folder. Upload the .dmp and .txt to somewhere and send a link here so the devs can figure out what went wrong.
Try installing these 2 redists and directx too. https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1gG_DXaZfAUETfXaYJzCP36ImvE_bO_x9&export=download
I already installed the files you sent me but I keep getting the same error, I suppose it will be a problem with my pc.
Thanks for the help
although zombie mode works normal for me
you still do not solve it?
sorry my bad english -
Does it work normally for you? or are you still with the error?
hahaha I don't even speak English, I use the google translator.
No, it didn't really work for me but like I said, I think it's because of my pc