when i click play on my plutonium launcher its says plutonium launcher isnt responding
How do i fix it?
I'm new to this but one of my old games used to do this and I had to check my antivirus. Make sure you've allowed it through the wall cause it may be stopping it.
I think i have the same error, my windows is in spanish but it says plutonium launcher isnt responding. As you can see in the video, for a little moment a window pops up and then it gets frozen.
Seba_Nas windows 7 isn't supported, upgrade to windows 10.
ArcticWolf are you on windows 7?
HannesC im windows 8.1
HannesC my brother also the same problem hes on windows 7
Btw does mw3 works on windows 7? -
Windows 7 doesn't work, upgrade to windows 10. As for you, windows 8.1 should work, try installing these redists and directx https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1gG_DXaZfAUETfXaYJzCP36ImvE_bO_x9&export=download
HannesC thanks it worked upgrading to windows 10 took a while