Question about movement dvars
I know the movement dvars for strafe and backward movement are:
setdvar( "player_backSpeedScale", int );
setdvar( "player_strafeSpeedScale", int );
setdvar( "player_sprintStrafeSpeedScale", int );but how do i affect all the other dvars for player speed? like running or walking forward?
SpicySpider you can try to use g_speed to change all players speed. Or if you want change the speed only of a player you can use
setVelocity( number )
Sorex said in Question about movement dvars:
Thanks, do you know if theirs a way to change the speed of zombies running as well? i tried changing level.zombie_move_speed but it seems to have a maximum maybe? anyway around that?
SpicySpider The zombies have 3 status of speed, "run", "walk" and "sprint"/"super_sprint" you can change all "sprint" status to "super_sprint". But you have to do manualy and set it foreach zombies in the game
SpicySpider level.zombie_move_speed might come from a GSC file in game. you could check a dump for that and if theres a maximum, you can probably remove it if you find the file. unless it modifies a DVAR and the DVAR has a maximum, then you cannot modify the max limit i think.