[chaiscript] Need help to interact with chat_message
Re: [Feature Request] Allow Chai to execute commands.
I'm kina new to Chaiscript.
Is it currently available to interact with chat messages?The server executed this function (I typed some characters to chat), but nothing happened.
level.onNotify("chat_message", fun(arguments) { var player = arguments[0]; var message = arguments[1]; print ("new message received.") });
I would really appreciate if somebody could provide me a working example code.
Doubt chat_message even exists and
usually has either the player or nothing at all so you’re probably better off making a IW4M plugin -
I recall xensik's Plutoscript framework being able to respond to chat message events. For some reason, it doesn't seem to be supported anymore - maybe due to some "memory permission" issues he mentioned after a Pluto IW5 update.
OnNotify only catches in-game notifications that can be used in GSC scripts. Everything else is unmanaged code, alas, you can't do anything here