Error code D3DCOMPILER_43.dlll ?
I keep getting this error and not sure how to fix it. In the error it says "Reinstalling the program may fix the problem." I've done that numerous times and I factory reset my pc and still get that error message. Does anyone have a solution and could help me? My twitter is Tylrios or reply to this. Thank you!
Tylrios From the common issues and FAQ post:
Error: The code execution cannot proceed because D3DCompiler_47.dll was not found. Reinstalling the program may fix this problem.
Fix: D3DCompiler_47.dll is part of Microsoft's DirectX 9.Please read this post first if you still have trouble installing and/or running the game.
Infamous Your solution was for D3DCOMPILER_47.dll not D3DCOMPILER_43.dll
Mindoflovec that's also part of directx..