Using UPnP for zombies multiplayer
So my friend and I are able to enable UPnP and in the network menu in plutonium UPnP shows up as enabled, but for my other friend it shows up as disabled and his IP address is set to He was also unable to host a custom game even after enabling port forwarding through his router.
We have tried uninstalling a network driver that might have caused some conflict, enabling UPnP through his router, enabling port forwarding, and even tried using utorrent to enable UPnP on port 4976.
There are no errors that show up on the screen.
Any solutions to these issues?
If your UPnP is enabled and his isn't why don't you just make the custom game?
Wanted to hijack this thread to say that even though both me and my friend have uPnP enabled (shoes up on network) and turned on in router settings, as well as being in the same house on the same network we are unable to join each other. Before the update my friend was able to join me through connecting to my ipv4 since we were in the same house but after this update we can't connect at all. Is this cause of the update or just because our computers can't utilize uPnP
If I had to place a guess, it is because your router does not support NAT reflection, and your friend is trying to connect via UPnP, which attempts to connect via your public address. Since you are on the same network, you can use the game console to manually connect via the IP. For future reference, please refrain from hijacking other threads, as it can cause useful information like this to be more difficult for others to find, as the topic does not match the answer.