I can´t start my game
When i have plutonium launcher open, i press play and the loading freezes and literally nothing happens. The plutonium launcher then closes as if nothing happened. I played today some bo2 and mw3 just fine but now this is happening. I have my bo2 on a harddrive if that matters. Edit: I disabled my windows real time protection and now the game launched, its totally AV fault.
- Download this https://drive.google.com/u/0/uc?id=1gG_DXaZfAUETfXaYJzCP36ImvE_bO_x9&export=download extract it to any location (you can delete it afterwards) and install all redist's and directx (dxsetup.exe in the directx folder).
- follow this video guide https://streamable.com/5giauo
Dss0 Thanks a lot i'll do as u say