files wont download
whenever i try to download the files ill always be missing 2 ive been trying to fix for for about 3 hours and nothing works plz help
Logged.On what type of files are u missing??
im missing the t6r file and the imgui.ini file
They shouldn't be a problem, are you encountering a specific error?
idk whats wrong i just tried redownloading it and the files didnt appear
They won't appear tho. Think imgui.ini is created the first time you boot the game, and t6r is needed for camos and stuff. If it isn't there, you could just create it.
HannesC can u tell me how to make it? please
HannesC u there?
Just create the folders? Camos go into t6r -> data -> images
same thing for the imgui.ini file im missing?
No don't bother about that file. Why are you still insisting on that? Cant you play the game fine without any issues?
thats the thing i cant play the game cuz those 2 specific wont download
HannesC can we talk in a discord so u can at least try to help me with this?