[Support] Need Help for a gsc bind
I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me with creating a bind that would drop a canswap. I would like to set the bind to crouch+left dpad. I am really new to this so Im kinda struggling...
@Rename-The-Bot find a canswap code and then add it to an "if" statement.
so like this
if(self AdsButtonPressed) { //Do Something }
Ducxy so I came up with this, how would u bind it to crouch+d-left?
if(self AdsButtonPressed)
{weapon = randomGun(); self giveWeapon(weapon, 0, true); self dropItem(weapon);
instead of AdsButtonPressed do the left dpad code and use get stance
if(self getStance() == "crouch" && self actionslotthreebuttonpressed()) { weapon = randomGun(); self giveWeapon(weapon, 0, true); self dropItem(weapon); }
Heres the full code:
DoCanswap() { if(self getStance() == "crouch" && self actionslotthreebuttonpressed()) { weapon = randomGun(); self giveWeapon(weapon, 0, true); self dropItem(weapon); } }
Ducxy aight bro thank you. I'll probably be back with more questions, I'm new to this haven't learned everything yet. Would you mind taking a look at the full script if I send it to on discord or something ?
@Rename-The-Bot i could later, currently working on my server atm. Reign Ducxy#2839
Ducxy sounds good. Whenever u got time hit me up, i'll add u. Thanks