[Support] Zombie Counter! Help
Any way to put a zombie counter on the screen that shows the remaining zombies from the current round left to kill?
drawZombiesCounter() { level.zombiesCountDisplay = createServerFontString("Objective" , 1.7); level.zombiesCountDisplay setPoint("RIGHT", "CENTER", 315, "CENTER"); thread updateZombiesCounter(); } updateZombiesCounter() { level endon("stopUpdatingZombiesCounter"); while(true) { zombiesCount = get_current_zombie_count(); level.zombiesCountDisplay setSafeText("Zombies: " + zombiesCount); waitForZombieCountChanged("stopUpdatingZombiesCounter"); } } recreateZombiesCounter() { level notify("stopUpdatingZombiesCounter"); thread updateZombiesCounter(); } waitForZombieCountChanged(endonNotification) { level endon(endonNotification); oldZombiesCount = get_current_zombie_count(); while(true) { newZombiesCount = get_current_zombie_count(); if(oldZombiesCount != newZombiesCount) { return; } wait 0.05; } }
ted said in Zombie Counter! Help:
Yes, I found that on google, only I tried it and the function "setSafeText" does not work, so I changed it to "SetText" and there it worked.
Here the source: https://cabconmodding.com/threads/zombies-counter-display.149/
And also here the other "SetText" solution: https://www.ugx-mods.com/forum/scripts/55/how-to-add-a-zombie-counter/4152/ -
Kalitos Hola buen día, disculpa, soy nuevo con esto de modificar el juego y todo eso. ¿Podrías explicarme exactamente en qué lugar necesito copiar y pegar este código que has compartido? Para que me aparezca el contador de zombies. Gracias
Don Mishi Búscame en el Discord de Plutonium y escríbeme
Disculpa, me dice que tu Discord es incorrecto. ¿Podrías agregarme?
Discord: El Shesho#5381 -
Anexo un error que me da, copié el código de esta página que pusiste: https://cabconmodding.com/threads/zombies-counter-display.149/
Corregí el error que daba sobre el "setSafeText" y lo cambié a "setText" y se solucionó.
Don Mishi Entonces ya pudiste hacerlo funcionar ?
Kalitos Pude solucionar el error del "setSafeText", el problema que aparece en la imagen aún no.
Don Mishi prueba esto
/* * Black Ops 2 - GSC Studio by iMCSx * * Creator : vkarl * Project : arma * Mode : Zombies * Date : 2020/03/25 - 10:53:48 * */ #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_util; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_message; init() { level.clientid = 0; level.perk_purchase_limit = 9; level thread onplayerconnect(); drawZombiesCounter(); } onplayerconnect() { for ( ;; ) { level waittill( "connecting", player ); player.clientid = level.clientid; level.clientid++; } } createServerText(font, text, fontScale, point, relativePoint, x, y, color, glowColor, alpha, glowAlpha, sort, team) { elem = createServerFontString(font, fontScale, team); elem setPoint(point, relativePoint, x, y); elem setText(text); elem.color = color; elem.glowColor = glowColor; elem.alpha = alpha; elem.glowAlpha = glowAlpha; elem.sort = sort; return elem; } drawZombiesCounter() { level.zombiesCountDisplay = createServerFontString("Objective" , 1.7); level.zombiesCountDisplay setPoint("RIGHT", "CENTER", 315, "CENTER"); thread updateZombiesCounter(); } updateZombiesCounter() { level endon("stopUpdatingZombiesCounter"); while(true) { zombiesCount = get_current_zombie_count(); level.zombiesCountDisplay SetText("Zombies: " + zombiesCount); waitForZombieCountChanged("stopUpdatingZombiesCounter"); } } recreateZombiesCounter() { level notify("stopUpdatingZombiesCounter"); thread updateZombiesCounter(); } waitForZombieCountChanged(endonNotification) { level endon(endonNotification); oldZombiesCount = get_current_zombie_count(); while(true) { newZombiesCount = get_current_zombie_count(); if(oldZombiesCount != newZombiesCount) { return; } wait 0.05; } }