[Support] unresolved external errors?
I'm trying to add the zombie counter script. What is this error trying to tell me i'm doing wrong
More details of your code would be needed to see what the error is.
But I implemented the Zombies counter on my server, you can guide yourself from here:
https://forum.plutonium.pw/topic/403/zombie-counter-help/2 -
Kalitos I'm new to this, it says in the original post you linked call drawzombiescounter() in your init function so i've ended up trying to thread it but i dont even know if im anywhere close to being correct haha. ```
code_text#include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_utility; init() { level.clientid = 0; level.perk_purchase_limit = 9; level thread onplayerconnect(); level thread drawzombiescounter(); } onplayerconnect() { for ( ;; ) { level waittill( "connecting", player ); player.clientid = level.clientid; player thread onplayerspawned(); level.clientid++; } } onplayerspawned() { level endon( "game_ended" ); self endon( "disconnect" ); for(;;) { self welcome(); } } welcome() { self waittill( "spawned_player" ); self maps/mp/zombies/_zm_perks::give_perk( "specialty_longersprint" ); wait 7; self iprintln("^2" +self.name + "^7 , your perk limit has been removed. Have fun."); } drawZombiesCounter() { level.zombiesCountDisplay = createServerFontString("Objective" , 1.7); level.zombiesCountDisplay setPoint("RIGHT", "CENTER", 315, "CENTER"); thread updateZombiesCounter(); } updateZombiesCounter() { level endon("stopUpdatingZombiesCounter"); while(true) { zombiesCount = get_current_zombie_count(); level.zombiesCountDisplay setSafeText("Zombies: " + zombiesCount); waitForZombieCountChanged("stopUpdatingZombiesCounter"); } } recreateZombiesCounter() { level notify("stopUpdatingZombiesCounter"); thread updateZombiesCounter(); } waitForZombieCountChanged(endonNotification) { level endon(endonNotification); oldZombiesCount = get_current_zombie_count(); while(true) { newZombiesCount = get_current_zombie_count(); if(oldZombiesCount != newZombiesCount) { return; } wait 0.05; } }``` code_text
Trizz said in unresolved external errors?:
you should change this line
level thread drawzombiescounter();
for this:
and this function
for this
Kalitos I tried changing it and still the same error It seems to have a problem with createserverfrontstring and setpoint
#include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_utility; #include maps/mp/zombies/_zm_utility; init() { level.clientid = 0; level.perk_purchase_limit = 9; level thread onplayerconnect(); drawZombiesCounter(); } onplayerconnect() { for ( ;; ) { level waittill( "connecting", player ); player.clientid = level.clientid; player thread onplayerspawned(); level.clientid++; } } onplayerspawned() { level endon( "game_ended" ); self endon( "disconnect" ); for(;;) { self welcome(); } } welcome() { self waittill( "spawned_player" ); self maps/mp/zombies/_zm_perks::give_perk( "specialty_longersprint" ); wait 7; self iprintln("^2" +self.name + "^7 , your perk limit has been removed. Have fun."); } drawZombiesCounter() { level.zombiesCountDisplay = createServerFontString("Objective" , 1.7); level.zombiesCountDisplay setPoint("RIGHT", "CENTER", 315, "CENTER"); thread updateZombiesCounter(); } updateZombiesCounter() { level endon("stopUpdatingZombiesCounter"); while(true) { zombiesCount = get_current_zombie_count(); level.zombiesCountDisplay setText("Zombies: " + zombiesCount); waitForZombieCountChanged("stopUpdatingZombiesCounter"); } } recreateZombiesCounter() { level notify("stopUpdatingZombiesCounter"); thread updateZombiesCounter(); } waitForZombieCountChanged(endonNotification) { level endon(endonNotification); oldZombiesCount = get_current_zombie_count(); while(true) { newZombiesCount = get_current_zombie_count(); if(oldZombiesCount != newZombiesCount) { return; } wait 0.05; } }
this is the error
Replace this in your project:
#include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm; #include maps\mp\zombies\_zm_utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_util; #include maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_message; #include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility;
Kalitos Those includes are going to be the death of me thankyou.