[Support] Increase each player's score at the start of each new round in zombie mode !Help
Someone to help me how to implement that at each start of a new round each player is added 1000 more in addition to their current score, and so at each start of a new round
Xerxes I don't mean how to increase, I mean the end of round event
Kalitos You will want to wait for end_of_round.
level waittill( "end_of_round" );
Xerxes At the end of the round each player is automatically assigned an additional 1000 points
I tried this:init () { level.clientid = 0; level.perk_purchase_limit = 9; level.infoHud = level createServerText ("default", "^ 2TeamSpeak 3: ^ 774.91.112.216", 1.5, "TOPLEFT", "TOPLEFT", 0, 0, (1, 1, 1), undefined, 1, undefined) ; level thread onplayerconnect (); thread addScore (); drawZombiesCounter (); thread gscRestart (); thread setPlayersToSpectator (); for (;;) { level waittill ("connected", player); if (level.scr_zm_ui_gametype_group == "zencounter" || level.scr_zm_ui_gametype_group == "zsurvival") { player thread give_team_characters (); // the real cause of the invisible player glitch these 2 functions aren't always called on map_restart so call them here } else { player thread give_personality_characters (); // this has to commented out when loading nuketown // unfortunately nuketown is the only map without this function therefore it can't find it and the server will throw an error // the only way to fix this would be to copy both give_team_characters () and give_personality_characters () into this file and account for all maps // this would make the fix more cumbersome which is why I haven't done it } } } addScore () { level endon ("end_of_round"); // self endon ("disconnect"); for (;;) { self.score + = 1000; } }
But it does not work, it is no more or load
Well yeah obviously it won't work like that.
I don't spoonfeed but gave you all the infos you need now you need to write the stuff around it. -
Xerxes I've been trying and can't figure out the syntax or code structure for this to work.
I'll just say "F"init() { level thread addScore(); } addScore() { level waittill ("end_of_round" ); //self endon( "disconnect" ); for(;;) { self.score+=1000; } level notify("end_of_round" ); }
With this, I kill the last zombie and the round stays there, it never ends.
Kalitos the for loop?
H3X1C i don't understand
Kalitos Your codeblock basicially says add 1000 score over and over as fast as possible forever... How could it ever reach the statement below the forloop?
I fixed it
init() { level.clientid = 0; level thread onplayerconnect(); } onplayerconnect() { for ( ;; ) { level waittill( "connecting", player ); player.clientid = level.clientid; player thread onplayerspawned(); level.clientid++; } } onplayerspawned() { level endon( "game_ended" ); self endon( "disconnect" ); for(;;) { self welcome(); self addScore(); } } addScore() { while (1) { level waittill("between_round_over"); //self iprintln("More Score"); self.score+=1500; } }
I adapted it to the code that I already had implemented, the
function is what allows me to increase each round. -
I feel your use of loops is unnecessary, wasteful and most definitely not performant. Why not just append x score at the end of the round?
for(;;) { self welcome(); self addScore(); }
This is the part that confuses me. Why loop this? Just call it once on spawn.
This will execute every time the round ends which is fine:
while (1) { level waittill("between_round_over"); //self iprintln("More Score"); self.score+=1500; }
H3X1C As the saying goes, if it works don't touch it
That doesn't apply to writing code, even if you write proper code you probably revisit at some point to add additional functionality. But yeah do a few more of those mods and your server will be laggy af.