can anyone send me the t6r folder plss
i deleted folder by accident because i cant place t6r.dll in folder it just deletes, ive turned all my anti virus off
i cant plce the .dll i the folder why??
cuuore because your antivirus is deleting it. If it was disabled it wouldn't be deleting it.
H3X1C thats the thing i turned off all anti virus and firewalls
H3X1C i even excluded the file
re-run piry.exe after adding the exclusion.
Mr. Android is that also a soloution if it wont launch?
Be more precise, I'm not a mind reader bud. What do you mean by "it"? Show us screenshots of any error messages. Show us a screenshot of your BO2 folder.
Mr. Android yea same with me. Does not matter what i turn off, on, does not wanna work. the t6r.dll does not want to go in t6r. like i get the t6r.dll folder i and drag and drop and it disappear. even if i drag and drop it to my desktop it disappears. It does not go in any folder. does not matter what i do it does not wanna go anywhere. I re downloaded millions of times ever single fucking tactic it does not work. ill send you a screenshot after i re downloaded it for the millionth time.