It won't let me run the plutonium application
Alright I'll let you know what happens
What do I do with it
I downloaded them both do i reinstall plutonium now
@BloopxX no you download and install both of them, they are installers. after that you try running pluto again.
Alrighty, It loaded up I just pressed play and im waiting now
do i gotta make a folder now
@BloopxX uh which step are you on now? Do you see the launcher? Switch to the bo2 game tab, click the setup button and select the pluto_t6_full_game folder after that you should be able to play.
Dss0 I am on the launcher
@BloopxX I have the launcher open from my downloads
I just did it from the folder i just made and i don't know what i did wrong
@BloopxX what do you mean? Switch to bo2 game tab in the launcher (on the left side below mw3) and hit the setup button and then select pluto_t6_full_game. If there is no setup button but a play button hit "game settings" and make sure the selected folder is pluto_t6_full_game.
Lemme try that
So here's what happened. I put it onto the pluto_t6_full_game folder and tried to launch the game and it said it was wrong again
@BloopxX post a screenshot of your game folder (pluto_t6_full_game)
and your launcher game settings. -
@BloopxX why do you have 2 pluto_t6_full_game folders?.. holy fuck
you have a game folder inside a game folder but the folder you showed me is missing a ton of files, how does the other folder look like?
oh shit
These are all of the folders that I have I will show you what I have in it