Need help with DLC
I know that the piry.exe is offline so I was wondering if there was a way to get the DLC so I can play with my friend.
I own the game on steam but don't own any DLC.
My friend pirated it so he has all the DLC.
Is there a way to possibly pirate the dlc and transfer it to my steam files for plutonium or a working version of piry.exe -
Step 3) Download the torrent file:
Step 4) Open the torrent file pluto_t6_full_game.torrent (from the previous step) it will open up your torrent client program and ask you where you'd like to save the game.
After that, you can find all dlc in the "zone" folder.
Maverick_ Should I just replace my zone folder w that one
TripleThis Merge it.
Maverick_ Game crashes upon startup I'm just gonna pirate the whole game and see if that works
The new update for downloading pluto is so confusing
Galaxy_Drifterz It's not, instead of having a single file that downlaod everything, you have two separate files that download one the game base file and the other one the launcher, as every other client does.
But the Qb torrent stuff confuses me
Galaxy_Drifterz You just have to download a Torrent client (qbitorrent, bittorent, utorrent, everything you want that can download from torrent surces) and then, you can downlaod the complete game base file just with 2 clicks.
Maverick_ If there was a video that would prob be more easier for me
TripleThis Shouldn't have raped your BO2 installation. Just verify integrity of steam files for BO2. When finished, download this torrent which only contains the dlcs. Download it wherever you want, but once its finished, merge it with your bo2 folder and choose your steam BO2 folder in game settings of the launcher and you should be good to go.
Galaxy_Drifterz Its clearly explained in the readme and takes like a minute or less to do all the steps to run pluto. If you need a video tutorial to do that you might as well just stop using your computer.
HannesC Or i can uninstall it
Galaxy_Drifterz You mean your pc of what?
Maverick_ i dont understand