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Soft aimbot
WallhackHere you go, enjoy:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uifi3vxs3Wc -
svr The only thing I see in the video is that you are very bad at playing and you use the grid to see through the walls.
Nice you're clearly clueless. You can bounce.
luigistyle Plutonium Staffwrote on Nov 3, 2020, 12:51 AM last edited by luigistyle Nov 3, 2020, 2:51 AM
I see nothing wrong in the video (unless you count using the cancerous wallhack scope).
luigistyle How can you see nothing? Look at how the guy is aiming it's super obvious that he's using aim. Hitboxes are absolutely all over the place as he shoots into the ground killing 2/3 people. Watch closely and see how his aim is not anywhere near my hitbox and I get instakilled. That's called soft aim.
svr For one thing, killcams are very inaccurate in this game, often not being anywhere near matching what the engagement actually looked like for either party. Secondly, I can clearly see him hitting his shots in the video, I'm not sure what you mean when you say he was shooting into the ground, as he most definitely wasn't from what I can see.
luigistyle Firstly, it cannot be lag comp or weird killcam delay because I played aganist this guy a lot and all of his killcams were looking absolutely normal, secondly watch the first killcam and tell me where do you see him hitting his shots? It's softcore yet I together with 4 mates all got instakilled by him, and as you can clearly see in the video he was shooting right next to me getting hitmarkers.
Regarding the TTK, I'm pretty sure it's the normal TTK for the MP7, it's a rather strong gun. -
MP7 shoots literal napkins and as you can clearly see he hit me once and I was dead. Same with the first AN94 killcam, full hp he shot me once I'm out allthough he literally was aiming at the fence next to me. The purpose of soft aim is to make it look clean/legit, he was tracking on purpose so it's not super obvious that he's getting kills by shooting at nothing. But even when his aim was off by a kilometer he was still getting frags, that's how soft aim works.
It's whatever though, you think he's clean. So be it. Please delete the thread thanks for the reply.
luigistyle Plutonium Staffreplied to AsP' SVR on Nov 3, 2020, 1:14 AM last edited by luigistyle Nov 3, 2020, 3:15 AM
svr Like I said, the suspiciousness / wonkiness of the killcam is normal, whenever I get killed the cams usually look similar. If you want a better look into what I mean, then just watch a final killcam or two. People usually appear to snap onto their target rather suspiciously (when in fact it's just the killcam showing it to be like that). Not to mention that I have no clue what you mean with your MP7 comment, the gun is quite widely used for it's good damage at closer ranges.
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