[Support] SnD Round Time Elimination Killcam Delay!?
Hi. Knowing that with GSC you can literally do anything you want, I was curious to know if you can remove time delay? So, with the game mode being SnD, when I kill early it takes a few seconds for the match to end. Would their be a way to revoke that and just make it instant cam? Thank you, and sorry for asking to many ques.
Farzad questions^
You mean remove slow motion in the last kill?
Kalitos The game starts, your friends right right next to you, you eliminate him as soon as the round starts, he gets eliminated, but the round doesn’t end yet, you have to wait like 4-5 seconds then it ends, due to how fast you eliminated the person
Kalitos that’s in the SnD, is their a way to remove it though or L1ke? I’m just curious to know man. And if so, may you let me know how Man, thank you
Kalitos You’ve been online for quite some time now, you usually respond quickly. You may be questioning my request right now. Let me tell you summin, basically if I’m going for a sui shot and I eliminate the person, I’m not GOING TO GET MY FREAKING FLOATER KILLCAM, that’s why I ask if I can end the round instantly without having to wait. This would only occur in the start of the round, and I do hit in beginning, but I’d much rather have the round end at whatever time I eliminate my enemy, whether that time being 1 second of the start of round or 2 seconds, I just want to ensure a clean killcam, I know you know understand what I mean, as you have your own servers hosted on this awesome mod as well, so let me know man, do it for(
) me ) :
Farzad Kinda rude to expect people to reply instantly. Just because he 'usually' does that, doesn't mean he has to do it all the time lmao.
GewoonIraj not rude man, we can just justify he doesn’t know what I want that’s all
Farzad Aight then.