[POLL] Your opinion regarding changing the max. player-cap on my Zombies-servers
Hey folks,
On all of my servers on Plutonium T6, the Black Ops 2-mod, I've changed the max. player-cap from 8 to 4 (except for the Grief and Turned-gamemodes).
This, because there were alot of ping issues, but that has now been solved.
However, now I am debating on whether to keep it on max. 4 players, or go fully back to max. 8 players / on some of the servers.
Please fill out the form below and choose for each map which limit should be the most suitable (please take this seriously).Here is the link to the form: https://forms.gle/Z1gkv5yVkKkjCgF27
I'll appreciate this alot! ^^
~ Iraj (GewoonIraj#0001)