Care Package Disappear Time
is this time stored in a dvar or can it be modified using gsc? checked the _supplydrop.gsc file and there was nothing i could find.
Its in _supplydrop.gsc, just follow the crate spawn until you see it calling cratetimeoutthreader() there it calls cratetimeout() and there it actually despawns it.
There is a 2 function for that, self is the care package entity. You can try to overwrite 1 of this functions. Or you can to edit the file and recompile it. "scr_crate_notimeout" will not work i think. If this can be used will be better.
cratetimeout( time ) { self endon( "death" ); wait time; self cratedelete(); }
cratetimeoutthreader() { /# if ( getdvarintdefault( "scr_crate_notimeout", 0 ) ) { return; #/ } self thread cratetimeout( 90 ); }
mikey Solved. The only reason why this topic was open because I couldn't exactly recompile, so I was looking for a alternative. If you go to JezuzLizard's GitHub, the fixed and recompiled version of _supplydrop.gsc is there.
Staff can lock this.