BO2 Plutonium Prestige Reset Not Working?
Hello, I'm trying to do Prestige Reset. I type "PrestigeResetStats" on consoles and it does work when I checked the lobby.
I did my custom game with bots (9v9). I leveled up to 10 in one game. Then close the game.
However, once I'm reloaded the game itself from the launcher. It says previous stats were corrupted and it brought me back toe the previous level which was max prestige.
I did use "unlockall" when I first installed the game. Didn't realize that you could level up through custom games/bots so I wanted to restart, but it seems Plutonium keeps reverting me back to my original save. Even when resetting.
Is there a way to start all over? And does playing custom games/bots do level you up? Because MW2 iw4x does indeed level you and keep your stats after reloading the game.
I just want to play and experiment with bots while leveling up like iw4x did. Maybe it has something to do with unlock all conflicting or just plutonium keeps reverting my save back to my original level?