Gsc code to call a thread with a string array for a function name
So I’ve tried over and over to do something like
StartRandom() { Strarray=[]; Strarray[Strarray.size]=“choiceone”; Strarray[Strarray.size]=“choicetwo”; //ect ect } choiceone() { //func stuff } choicetwo() { //func stuff }
Now i get stuck calling the randomised array. So far i tried
single_func( “level” ,::Strarray[0] );
Which fails. Is there a way to call a function which is named via a array string (im leaning to impossible atm)
I know i could use case comparison but in my code it is relying on a wait for input via ingame chat which could call on any function so i really would rather not have to write out a case for every possible function call.
Please help..... -
ok so maybe i should give live example, now im not posting from phone.
i would really appreciate this working
cmdstr = "/cmd"; level waittill("say", player, message); if ( isstrstart( tolower( message ), ek ) ) { if ( == "Nathan3197" || == "MrMrE" ) { sthread = strtok( message, " " ); if ( isDefined( sthread[2] ) ) { arrayremovevalue(sthread, cmdstr); string=""; foreach(str in sthread) string = string + str + " "; player tell(sthread[0] + " , " + sthread[1] + " , " + sthread[2]); /dbug player tell(string); /dbug func = [["::" + sthread[1]]]; //thisline above is my question point and where i cant work it out < dont laugh i know thats not how those eval brackets work i am going to extreme "out the box" to work this one out } if (isDefined(sthread[6])) [[single_func]]( sthread[0] , func, sthread[2], sthread[3], sthread[4], sthread[5], sthread[6] ); else if (isDefined(sthread[5])) [[single_func]]( sthread[0] , func, sthread[2], sthread[3], sthread[4], sthread[5] ); else if (isDefined(sthread[4])) [[single_func]]( sthread[0] , func, sthread[2], sthread[3], sthread[4] ); else if (isDefined(sthread[3])) [[single_func]]( sthread[0] , func, sthread[2], sthread[3] ); else if (isDefined(sthread[2])) [[single_func]]( sthread[0] , func, sthread[2] ); else if (isDefined(sthread[1])) [[single_func]]( sthread[0] , func ); else player tell("Missing level"); } else { player tell( "Not priv to /cmd" ); } } }
MrMrE Unfortunately I've never seen an example of Treyarch doing something like that in any of the scripts I've looked thru. I know what you are trying to do, but I don't think you can do it like that. Basically a function is its own data type like ints, strings or structs etc. So what you are doing is basically denoting a string not a function. Function pointers have to explicitly have
at compile time to indicate to the GSC vm that it is a function pointer.Now function pointers can be stored in structs and arrays so what you could do is make an array of structs of all the functions so you can identify them individually. Or you could also make a rather large switch that switches between each command and calls a different function depending on the command.
Example of a struct array:
array = []; struct = spawnstruct(); = "func1"; struct.func = ::func; array[ 0 ] = struct;
JezuzLizard thanks for the second opinion. I too combed the cod dumps and yeah it is how you describe it: and unfortunately I'm going to have to write another program to pump out this script and all its funcs in a case or similar.. :: 🤯
Maybe I might check out using gsh before creating a gsc almost equal to all the gsc files them selves.
#insert mybrainhere.GSH;
This should work too:
array = []; array[ "function1" ] = ::function1;
array = []; array[ 1 ] = ::function1;
MrMrE #insert is not supported by the current version of the compiler used.
JezuzLizard cheers for the head up.. well that leaves me no choice - gonna make a prog to comb the dump file and make a composite gsc function caller that i estimate would be about 7mb.. damn that's gonna hurt compiling wait times
you wouldn't know if there is a per parse file size limit ??
another thing is #using supported? - it must be, never mind
MrMrE There isn't a known limit though I have seen mod menus up to 300 kbs in size uncompiled and they work. #using isn't supported either that's T7 syntax. Though you could do what xerxes had pointed out.
function_array = []; function_array["godmode"] = ::godmode; function_array["noclip"] = ::noclip; if ( isDefined( function_array[message] ) ) { func = function_array[message]; [[func]](parm1, parm2, parm3, parm4, parm5); }
Doing it this way you would have to predefine the array for each function.