new cod in plutonium yet ?
Will there be a new cod string? Because I'm bored with bo2 and mw2, I hope you have parts like bo1. This will be fun because there are a lot of zombie and multiplayer maps, even if this will be difficult
SHITASSBOYY no, the next game to be released on pluto will be WaW, no plans for any other new games right now. There is a client for bo1 already:
Wym Client for bo1? Your realsing bo1?
xdViper84 no? RektT5 is a client for bo1 (T5) but it wasn't made by pluto.
Dss0 when?!!
when is ready the cod waw plutonium
-ESP-POSEIDON there is no exact release date yet, some time this year.
Dss0 oh ok
changing the theme do you like the wwe?
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