Downloading mode
How do i even play on servers that run some other maps other than original that came with the game ??.I mean co op zombies.
Over 2 hours my fuck... game stuck at 80% downloading some mode in zombies co op,i just clicked to join server and now it stuck at 80% ,do i need to do anything else ?.
Arkanoid might be an issue on the side of that server (slow connection or high load on the machine that hosts the webserver) but also alot of custom zombies mods/maps are very large because people ship alot of redundant assets with them.
Hmm,can i maybe download these mods from some site on internet and place them in correct folder: local/plutonium/storage/t4/mods ?.
Is this ok ?.;sa=view;down=2151 -
I couldn't edit above.Anyway i tried downloading mode from that site and it worked ,i played on that map in co op.