DirectX ecnountered an unrecoverable error.
Those arrows on the folder indicate that the folder is compressed. Right click the folder and go to properties. Then click Advanced... and then untick "compress contents to save disk space" and then click OK and the dialog boxes and try again.
Nothing i'm getting the same error.
Now that you've done that, try running piry.exe as admin and see if it downloads any files that may have corrupted and try again.
Maybe try uninstalling and reinstalling directx
oof nope same error.
Show us a screenshot of your game folder.
Did you try reinstalling DirectX and your GPU drivers?
Yes i tried. I updated my GPU drivers too but nothing seems to work.
@Pourman9 i also have the same error
muchiesalex Did you find any method to fix it?
Why is the game on your Desktop? This is not a good place to have program files. I suggest
Also once you have moved the game folder I suggest re-running piry.exe and watching the console output, it may be getting an error.
I did it. Nothing seems to work.
@Pourman9 no im stuck in the same situation.
press win p it worked for me
Mr. Android hola tengo el mismo error de direct X
Me too, I reinstall the program 5 times and didn't work
I tried everything, I ran all the program as administrator And updated the graphics And directx Driver.I think this is permanent error.
This is my friends PC, he can't play COD with me , any ideas to help -
dejordy te ha funcionado me pasa lo mismo y ya e instalado dirext x mil veces y actualize mi grafica y nada no consigo que funcione.
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