Server runs fine with no mods, but won't start when I put mods in the batch file.
In the first image I didn't put a map just ran Nacht and it started fine and showed up on the server browser.
But when I load in a mod its infinitely Sending heartbeats, Please help. -
Well, yes it tells you that it stopped hosting a map. Take a look at the log file, it will probably tell you that your mod is shit.
Xerxes damn why you gotta do him like that lol
Xerxes Ight bet
Xerxes I tried multiple different mods nothing is working, still sending heartbeat.
Sending heartbeats is only bad when it fails which it don't.
Xerxes Well then how am I supposed to load mods on my server without it sending heartbeat forever and crashing?
By using mods that don't crash, but you still did not provide the console log or took a look at it yourself.
Here's the logs.