[Release] [Zombies] Omnitrix Raygun Texture
To install unzip the download file then place the two ".iwi" files into your images folder.
The images folder is located in plutonium/t6r/data/images.
Anime Titties good job xD
@Drago-DRG Thanks, glad you enjoy
Anime Titties Wow, I love it
great skin man!
My brother, where did you get those textures for the perks and for the walls?
@Espitiax I found them in the game files, then I just edited them.
I use this iPak Exporter to extract the game files, then I edit them with photoshop and convert them into .dds files using paint.net, and then finally I convert them into .IWI files using this this tool.
This tutorial and this video teaches you how to edit the game files yourself.
the anime perks bruh im dead
Anime Titties yo any chance you could send me the textures for the walls and floor?
bro, no logro que me quede la textura, tendras algun video tutorial o algo que pueda ayudarme
J.A.C.E. donde la estas metiendo? tenes que meter los archivos.iwi en
Anime Titties can i have your wall files
@Drago-DRG si, cree la carpeta images dentro de data y ahi meti los archivos iwi. pero al ejecutar el juego, la ray gun sigue saliendo normal, sin la textura
@sensei-_ I'll be posting the wall files in the next day or 2
J.A.C.E. MMM no se que podrรก ser la causa
Anime Titties perks link?
oDeadlyMonster Add me on discord so I can send you the link (WRLD#5010).
bpYr2jE5wrote on Mar 8, 2024, 10:03 AM last edited by bpYr2jE5 Mar 8, 2024, 12:04 PMThis post is deleted!