[MP] animated camos V2 (6)
Gewehr This pack looks great
Hummmmmmm noice
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Gewehr Why does the 4th picture have the camo on the scope
Gewehr how do we put on the camos
place the iwi files in t6fullgame/t6r/data/images if you don't see them make the folders
Galaxy_Drifterz idk what you mean it just does lol
Gewehr Okay
Gewehr ive done ever step and looked at the custom camos forum, done what that said and i dont see the camos anywhere. help?
Gewehr hmmmm ill need that... SLAMS THE MEDIAFIRE LINK
Gewehr CAPO que pasa amigoooo eeeee sorry Chilean sounds emmm how da fuck i made my own cammos??????????
Gewehr uhh, i downloaded and put on the Waves camo. But the thing is, I can't find the camo in the game or where is it found?
Lamuerte2526 It should be in a folder called waves inside the V2 folder. I've reuploaded the media fire link other than that if it doesn't work I'm not sure what's wrong.
Garblel If you copy and pasted IWI file inside the the folders into your images folder you should be fine. It should look like this Games\pluto_t6_full_game\t6r\data\images. If that doesn't work I'm not sure what's wrong.
@PoPGoesRichtofen I'm going to make a video on how each texture on camos works inside the game but for now you can watch this video https://youtu.be/vqgaPhVmCqA
thanks bruda, ill wait your post
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