blurry guns when aiming even at low depth of field [HELLP]
Hello i am not a professional in this but i have blurry guns upclose even if i set the minimum depth of field to low... My max settings for anti-aliasing is 8x and nothing else... i want to know if its because my settings can't go higher than 8x to 16x that's why my gun texture are slightly blurry when i aim... Is it because my max is 8x and nothing higher or is there a command to remove blur completely so i can see my gun textures clearly even when i aim? Please help me, i have a 60-72hz monitor 2560x1440 ... its not the best monitor and maybe that's the problem but i am not an expert i am not sure. My graphic card i consider it to be good as i have NVIDIA RTX 2060 and Ryzen 7 processor. Can someone help me fix this issue?
Ceratosaurus What is your OS?
Ceratosaurus if u didnt know, antialiasing rounds corners usually using a blur method, turn off antialiasing and see if its fixed.
Nawa no man, anti aliasing didn't fix it it turned out to be the depth of field... everyone has is... and unfortunately you cannot turn it off only set it to "low" and even at low half of your screen is blurry when aiming... but eh i found a command and i removed the depth of field so now i dont have anything blurry anymore.