Unable to open bo2 (zombies and multiplayer)
When i try to launch either of the games, it opens, but the weird code screen stays up and i can't open the actual game tab
When you open BO2 usally the focus is on the prompt window, but if you see closely there's two tabs under the bootstrapper icon. Tryna do an alt + tab when you see the prompt. If you continue to see nothing, can you at least hear the music?
Maverick_ i have the same problem as bouchie08, i can hear the music, i tried to click on it when i press alt + tab but it takes me straight back to my desktop
Try entering
r_fullscreen 0
followed byvid_restart
into the external console. -
Xerxes this worked. Thank you so much
Xerxes hello,i have the same problem but, what is the external consol ?
dydyjetski Bootstrapper cmd window.
HannesC i tried this and it still aint workin
Xerxes said in Unable to open bo2 (zombies and multiplayer):
this made it so i could only play in windowed
corpseu Then change it whatever your desired resolution/mode through Settings.