[Release] [ZM] ZOMBIES++
MichaelCH its a script not a mod, genius.
I'm using the pre-compiled v1.3, without editing anything.
So far on all maps I have seen PhD flopper which works great and as expected and I'm loving the zombie counter!However, which maps have the custom powerups and how many of them are pre-enabled to spawn in? (as aforementioned not edited anything, just using as pre-compiled)
On Die Rise, the Perk Bottle spawned in (shown in screenshot) which works great as perk list shows, but the other powerups e.g. fast feet, random money, unlimited ammo did not spawn.
On Mob of the Dead and Town, nothing appearedAre the custom powerups on a toggle before hand basis? But if that were the case then the perk bottle should not have spawned
Your help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for this awesome script!!
Cahz thanks
azzychy Version 1.3 was only made because Version 1.2 was broken by a Plutonium update. If things are not working as intended, I would highly recommend waiting to use the mod until the next Plutonium update which should HOPEFULLY fix the issue with loading scripts on Version 1.2 (which is inherently more stable and doesnt have bugs like you are explaining)
TLDR; Plutonium devs broke loading some mods, and it would be best to wait for their update to fix it and then use version 1.2.
Cahz said in [Release] [ZM] ZOMBIES++ (Updated 6/10/2021):
azzychy Version 1.3 was only made because Version 1.2 was broken by a Plutonium update. If things are not working as intended, I would highly recommend waiting to use the mod until the next Plutonium update which should HOPEFULLY fix the issue with loading scripts on Version 1.2 (which is inherently more stable and doesnt have bugs like you are explaining)
TLDR; Plutonium devs broke loading some mods, and it would be best to wait for their update to fix it and then use version 1.2.
Thank you for your clarification!! Cheers for making zombies interesting!
Cahz Hi, I'm getting this message when trying to load the script. It is the precompiled version, so I haven't changed the code or anything. Thanks in advance.
I've been running this mod for a while and it runs great, however custom powerups don't seem to work, they just don't spawn at all. Could this be that they are extremely rare? I've played around 5 games with the mod and 0 powerups have been dropped.
I can provide a screenshot of the source code I used (the same one that you published). Thanks in advance. -
Cahz thanks, will do
Cahz Hey it says that the extra perks wont load when i try to load town
Hi guys, what are your thoughts about this mod ?
Cahz How do toggle the stuff
Does version 1.2 now work properly?
Cahz im confused on how to install this
this is way too over complicated at this point i will pay you to make a youtube video tutorial for this i just want phd in die rise
how do i download it, there is no download link bruh
I get that when trying to launch into a map?
Same thing for me.
**** 3 script error(s):
**** Unresolved external : "give_afterlife_loadout" with 0 parameters in "zombies++" at line 1 ****
**** Too many parameters: "vibrate" with 6 parameters in "zombies++"
**** Unresolved external : "drawcustomperkhud" with 3 parameters in "zombies++" at lI downloaded Version 1.2 since the URL to your 1.3 does not work anymore (404 not found).
The precompiled version has those errors... The Version 1.3 in feds bundle works, but I do not want the bundle and for the bundle does no source code exist.Cahz would be coll if you could share the URL to your 1.3 Version again
I seem to have forgotten but where is the Deadshot perk machine in Buried on this mod, and how do I turn off the "restart_game" on end game option?
Jacobean .gsc scripts that are already compiled, these are ment to be in plutonium/storage/t6/zm i think its this directory(its located i AppData)