How change the zombies spawn points! Help GSC
Does someone know how to add a spawn point for the zombies to spawn in and possibly make all the zombies spawn from these spawn points ONLY (ignore default spawn points) via GSC?
I wrote some code to do something similar for adding spawns:
_register_zombie_spawn( spawner_zone, coordinates, angles, location_script_noteworthy ) { riser_location_struct = spawnStruct(); riser_location_struct.script_string = "find_flesh"; riser_location_struct.targetname = spawner_zone; riser_location_struct.origin = coordinates; riser_location_struct.angles = angles; riser_location_struct.script_noteworthy = location_script_noteworthy; riser_location_struct.is_blocked = false; size_of_riser_locations = level.struct_class_names[ "targetname" ][ spawner_zone ].size; level.struct_class_names[ "targetname" ][ spawner_zone ][ size_of_riser_locations ] = riser_location_struct; } add_zombie_spawns() { if ( level.csrmRoom == "gen5" ) { _register_zombie_spawn( "zone_nml_farm_spawners", ( -2880, -384, 160.25 ), ( 0, 45, 0 ), "riser_location" ); _register_zombie_spawn( "zone_nml_farm_spawners", ( -2304.13, -492.192, 172.125 ), ( 0, 45, 0 ), "riser_location" ); } if ( level.csrmRoom == "showers" ) { //level.struct_class_names[ "targetname" ][ "cellblock_shower_spawners" ] = []; _register_zombie_spawn( "spawner_shower", ( 1723.62, 10579.6, 1152.13 ), ( 0, 45, 0 ), "riser_location" ); } }
Timing is important with this function. You need to allocate the new spawns before the game uses them officially. I recommend using _load.gsc to do so.
Deleting all the spawns is fairly simple:
zones = getArrayKeys( level.zones ); foreach ( zone in zones ) { if ( isDefined( level.struct_class_names[ "targetname" ][ zone + "_spawners" ] ) ) { level.struct_class_names[ "targetname" ][ zone + "_spawners" ] = []; } }
This can only be done after the structs have been intialized and after the zones are initialized as well.