[Zombies] Drip Camo Port (MotD PaP replacer)
So if you're a zombies player like me, chances are youve found a camo replacer for multiplayer and wished that you could put it into zombies. Fortunately for you, you can. I recently figured out how to port counterpart camos to zombies; for example, the drip camo [MADE BY THE BRILLIANT Gewehr ] replaces afterlife, it uses the same files as the PaP camo from MotD. So if this is the case for you, feel free to message me, and i can either teach you how or do it myself My discord is February31st#0031 so message me if this interests you, and check out Gewehr's creations. Guys a mastermind.
Nice release!
@SerinityyXD thanks
i tried to send you message LeapingYears on discord but i couldn't find you, my discord is GoreMercury#5191, i want to learn how to use the mp camos on zombies
buen camuflaje
@LuisTheDaffy thanks, but its not mine. it was made by Gewehr
link ??