Some people have told me that the current aim assist is not really good, and by investigating commands, I have obtained some values that make the aim assist feel really good, here are the values in case you want to try them, important to activate sv_cheats 1 in your game if not the commands will not work:
aim_view_sensitivity_override 1.2
aim_turnrate_yaw_ads 95
aim_turnrate_yaw 320
aim_turnrate_pitch_ads 40
aim_turnrate_pitch 90
aim_slowdown_yaw_scale_ads 0.6
aim_slowdown_pitch_scale_ads 0.65
aim_slowdown_pitch_scale 0.95
aim_aimAssistRangeScale 2
aim_assist_min_target_distance 5000
aim_lockon_strength 0.65I WAIT FEEDBACK
i put all comand and i dont have aim assist on zombies
TTV-SIILEENT13 this is for mp
I'm using it and it's works pretty good , do you have discord by any chance ?
Halo#6666 if you could add me please
BabyHalo yeah i send u a friend request, my discord is Tonny#9174