[MP] Halloween Calling cards & icons
Just realized I didn't make that much zm stuff oh well.
Everything should work in theory if anything doesn't pls let me know. I was too lazy to test in game
Those are Calling Cards?
@CrossXSamantha yea
the icons dont work for me
DuckyBoy Did you name them "rank_prestige_11" ? I put a letter in a few of them just so they can be in the same folder.
how do u install this
@PortKush make a folder path where your game is that looks like this
After you downloaded the iwis copy and paste them into images. note you'll probably have to rename a most files
for example icons "rank_prestige_11" calling cards "emblem_bg_default" -
Gewehr can you add me on discord i'm kinda stuck with something my cord is Kasters#0001
can you make some hololive one? hololive japan especially. thx
Zan's Sure might be a little while before you see it though
Gewehr do i copy and paste the whole folder "Halloween calling cards"?
Gewehr do i rename it anything?
DizzyMKL @penguinboy you rename the files to "emblem_bg_default" you can just delete the numbers in the name
i tried that but still dont work
@penguinboy That's weird should work what does your files look like?