when starting a custom / solo game or a server or ranked
when I start a game of any kind after a few minutes it takes me out and the server appears disconnected![alt text]
Diegoadm11 If it takes too much time, your PC is probably too slow/old to run the game, I'd suggest upgrading your PC. Although if it loads in lesser than like 20-30 secs and then shows the error, might be high packet loss or just shitty internet connection in general.
If you have a BO2 error please do not put it in WAW Client Support put it in BO2 Client Support Section
I don't think I have a bad pc but I think it may be because of the bad connection since a week ago I moved upstairs, well, thanks for the help
Diegoadm11 No problem in case you have time try a vpn maybe it will work for you
I present the same problem, my pc is core i5 of 2.50 Ghz, with 6gb of ram, in case you find a solution you can share it please.