[Release] Change zombies Speed v1.0.1
Change Zombies Speed
Fixed for Plutonium by DoktorSAS
How to make the code work?
- Put the function change_zombies_speed() inside your mod file
- Call level thread change_zombies_speed(); in your init function
Full code
/* [[---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] Fixed for Plutonium by DoktorSAS Discord: Discord.io/Sorex The code changes the speed of the zombies when they are in the sprinting phase There 4 different speed for zombies with this system. 1. walk -> Walking Zombies 2. sprint -> Sprinting Zombies 3. run -> Running Zombies 4. super_sprint -> Fast running zombies [[---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] */ init(){ /* [[---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] To make the code work you have to write level thread change_zombies_speed(); inside your init function [[---------------------------------------------------------------------------]] */ level thread change_zombies_speed(); } change_zombies_speed(){ level endon("end_game"); sprint = "super_sprint"; //Change this variable to change speed can_sprint = false; while(true){ can_sprint = false; zombies = getAiArray(level.zombie_team); foreach(zombie in zombies) if(!isDefined(zombie.cloned_distance)) zombie.cloned_distance = zombie.origin; else if(distance(zombie.cloned_distance, zombie.origin) > 15){ can_sprint = true; zombie.cloned_distance = zombie.origin; if(zombie.zombie_move_speed == "run" || zombie.zombie_move_speed != sprint) zombie maps/mp/zombies/_zm_utility::set_zombie_run_cycle(sprint); }else if(distance(zombie.cloned_distance, zombie.origin) <= 15){ can_sprint = false; zombie.cloned_distance = zombie.origin; zombie maps/mp/zombies/_zm_utility::set_zombie_run_cycle("run"); } wait 0.25; } }
Bug Fixed in v1.0.1:
- Zombies now can remove the wooden barrier from the window
Credits for base code to ProjectSynergy
Yo this is sick using this to make tranzit harder thx.