Opening single player on MW3 through pluto?
I want to use the console commands on single player (Change the fov) and the only viable way ive been able to use console commands is on pluto, but thats multiplayer not single player.
Can I install something?
We don't support Singleplayer.
HannesC So how did you guys manage to put console commands on pluto? Where's the file location for Pluto?
Because its possible to do so? Its inside the game code, you can do it on steam mw3 as well (won't explain it here, you can google yourself) but its gonna get you VAC banned eventually. Our devs restored the console to its full functionality, revamped it (auto-complete, unlocked locked dvars, vast improvements, etc) so that's how it is now.
Where's the file location for Pluto?
What do you mean by this though? Client files? Its in %localappdata%/Plutonium.
Edit: On another note - give this a try - developed by the head dev of XLabs and should have the ext. console you've been wanting along with other modifications.
Wow it actually worked thanks.
finnaly a link that isn't dead lmao.
i really hope next updated has a singleplayerš„²
Don't hold your breath.
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