select the correct directory for this game in the launcher
yo tengo black ops 2 ya em plutonium t6 y no me sale ese problema solo en waw t4 dice que ponga la direccion correcta pero ya esta correcta la direccion de el juego no se que hacerrrr ayudaaaaaaa
GK_DarkSoldier28 the forum language is english. Install directx from the redist folder in your game folder (redist/DirectX/DXSETUP.exe).
Dss0 man i uninstall the game and i install again the game
but i dont know if that gonna fix the error
No one told you to reinstall the game. The fix is right there mate all you gotta do is read what Dss0 posted.
Dss0 and sorry my englis is not good lol
good afternoon or evening, my case is that I just downloaded COD BO2 and I get this error, can you help me please?
and I can't find a post related to my error
trafargar15 so instead of reading the error or the documentation to fix your BO2 error you decided to hijack a random WAW 1 year old topic?