How spawn PHD or fonction on all maps ?
Hello, today i would like to spawn phd or add a fonctions for have this perk(no fall damage, explosion etc..)
on die rise i would like spawn model "zombie_vending_nuke_on_lo" (vending machine) and grab it.
Thanks for help me. -
I think that's not possible. (I'm new to gsc modding)
I'm trying to do that with flopper perma perks (in vanilla game only available in buried).
But it doesnt works because, i'm almost sure, the problem is in .ff files that the game load for that map.
I.E. if you start zm_buried the game will load only certain texture/script files, in wich there's the divetonuke logic and fx.
So if you try to import the script file on another map (i.e. zm_transit) it will crash, because in the .ff files loaded for tranzit the divetonuke script is not included.