[HELP] I need to modify vote map
Hello fellow plutonium I need to modify the vote map mod to load random game modes since it only loads TDM what would I have to do
#include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; init() { precacheshader("gradient_fadein"); precacheshader("gradient_top"); precacheshader("white"); level.mapvotemaps = strtok("mp_alpha#mp_bootleg#mp_bravo#mp_carbon#mp_dome#mp_exchange#mp_hardhat#mp_interchange#mp_lambeth#mp_mogadishu#mp_paris#mp_plaza2#mp_radar#mp_seatown#mp_underground#mp_village#mp_terminal_cls#mp_rust#mp_highrise#mp_italy#mp_park#mp_overwatch#mp_morningwood#mp_meteora#mp_cement#mp_qadeem#mp_restrepo_ss#mp_hillside_ss#mp_courtyard_ss#mp_aground_ss#mp_six_ss#mp_burn_ss#mp_crosswalk_ss#shipbreaker#mp_roughneck#mp_moab#mp_boardwalk#mp_nola", "#"); level.mapvotedescs = strtok("European city center. Great for Team \nDefender.#Medium sized Asian market. Fun for all game \nmodes.#African colonial settlement. Fight to control \nthe center.#Medium sized refinery. Great for any number \nof players.#Small outpost in the desert. Fast and frantic \naction.#Urban map with wide streets. Good for long \nand short range fights.#A small construction site. Fast paced, close \nquarter action.#Destroyed freeway. Great for a wide range of \nspaces and styles.#Derelict Russian ghost town. Great for \ncareful, tactical engagements.#Crash site in an African city. Classic urban \ncombat.#Parisian district. Great for Domination and Kill \nConfirmed.#Medium sized German mall. Intense Search & \nDestroy games.#Large Siberian airbase. Great for epic large \nbattles.#A costal town. Narrow streets bring hectic, \nclose encounters.#Small subway station. Fast paced action both \ninside and out.#Large African village. Great for all game \nmodes.#Russian airport terminal under siege. The \nclassic fan favorite is back.#Tiny desert sandstorm. Fast-paced action on \na small map.#Classic MW2's Rooftop skyscraper.#A small coastal Italian town. Features tight \nclose quarter combat.#Large New York park set in autumn. Great for \nlong distance fire fights.#Unfinished top of a skyscraper. Features \ntense Demolition matches.#Air Force One crash site. Very open map with a \nfew homes that provide cover.#Greek Monastery on a sandstone pillar. \nFeatures both medium and long range combat.#Korean cement factory. Great for close \nquarter combat and tactical maneuvering.#Luxury resort in Dubai. Features Intense \nDomination maches# Remote outpost in Afghanistan. Tight, Sparse \ninteriors linked by open lanes and overlooks #Upscale beachside retreat. Multi-tiered run \nand gun combat haven. #Roman ruins near Mt. Vesuvius. Strong \ninteriors offset by multi-level flanks.#Shipwreck on the irish coast. Open layout \nallows for long distance engagements#American farm in the path of a monster \ntornado. Sparse interiors and well-defined lanes.#War torn section of mid-east highway. \nPlentiful cover and close quarter fighting#Metro intersection on lockdown. Strong \ninterior locations and tactical urban combat#Ship scavenging operation on the indian \ncoast. Dominant overwatch positions and \n strong flank routes.#Deep Water drilling rig. Medium to long range \nengagements between multi-tiered, joined \nplatforms#Abandoned Utah mining settlement. Features \nan open layout and strong flanks.#Jersey shore amusement boardwalk. \nElevated main path set off by close quarters. \nflanks#New Orleans under assault. Features \nfast-paced matches with abundant close \nquarters fighting. ", "#"); level.mapvoteindices = randomindices(); replacefunc(maps\mp\gametypes\_gamelogic::waittillFinalKillcamDone, ::finalkillcamhook); } finalkillcamhook() { if (!IsDefined(level.finalkillcam_winner)) { mapvote(); return false; } else { level waittill("final_killcam_done"); mapvote(); return true; } } mapvote() { if (!waslastround()) return; level.mapvoteui[0] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 120, 350, 20, (0.157,0.173,0.161), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[1] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 140, 350, 60, (0.310,0.349,0.275), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[2] = shader("gradient_top", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 140, 350, 2, (1,1,1), 1, 2, true); level.mapvoteui[3] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 200, 350, 20, (0.212,0.231,0.220), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[4] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 220, 350, 20, (0.180,0.196,0.188), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[5] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 240, 350, 20, (0.212,0.231,0.220), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[6] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 260, 350, 20, (0.180,0.196,0.188), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[7] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 280, 350, 20, (0.212,0.231,0.220), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[8] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 300, 350, 20, (0.180,0.196,0.188), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[9] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 320, 350, 20, (0.157,0.173,.161), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[10] = shader("white", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 340, 350, 20, (0.310,0.349,0.275), 1, 1, true); level.mapvoteui[11] = shader("gradient_top", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 320, 350, 2, (1,1,1), 1, 2, true); level.mapvoteui[12] = text(&"VOTING PHASE: ", "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 130, 1, "hudSmall", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true, 30); level.mapvoteui[13] = text(maptostring(level.mapvotemaps[level.mapvoteindices[0]]), "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 210, 1.5, "normal", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true, 0); level.mapvoteui[14] = text(maptostring(level.mapvotemaps[level.mapvoteindices[1]]), "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 230, 1.5, "normal", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true, 0); level.mapvoteui[15] = text(maptostring(level.mapvotemaps[level.mapvoteindices[2]]), "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 250, 1.5, "normal", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true, 0); level.mapvoteui[16] = text(maptostring(level.mapvotemaps[level.mapvoteindices[3]]), "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 270, 1.5, "normal", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true, 0); level.mapvoteui[17] = text(maptostring(level.mapvotemaps[level.mapvoteindices[4]]), "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 290, 1.5, "normal", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true, 0); level.mapvoteui[18] = text(maptostring(level.mapvotemaps[level.mapvoteindices[5]]), "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 310, 1.5, "normal", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true, 0); //TODO: speed_throw/toggleads_throw will show bound/unbound for hold/toggle ads players. compromise may be to use forward/back, depending on how controller //bindings handle this. level.mapvoteui[19] = text("Up ^2[{+attack}] ^7Down ^2[{+toggleads_throw}]", "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 330, 1.5, "normal", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true); level.mapvoteui[20] = text("Vote ^2[{+activate}]", "RIGHT", "TOP", 170, 330, 1.5, "normal", (1,1,1), 1, 3, true); foreach(player in level.players) player thread input(); for(i = 0; i <= 30; i++) { level.mapvoteui[12] setvalue(30 - i); //playsoundonplayers("trophy_detect_projectile"); wait 1; } level notify("mapvote_over"); besti = 0; bestv = -1; for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if(level.mapvoteui[i + 13].value > bestv) { besti = i; bestv = level.mapvoteui[i + 13].value; } } //Note: We wait to prevent the scoreboard popping up at the end for a cleaner transition (Don't wait infinitely as a failsafe). //TODO: Proper manipulation of sv_maprotation is the better way to do this as it would allow the final scoreboard to show. cmdexec("map " + level.mapvotemaps[level.mapvoteindices[besti]]); wait 5; } input() { self endon("disconnect"); self endon("mapvote_over"); index = 0; selected = -1; select[0] = self text((index + 1) + "/6", "RIGHT", "TOP", 170, 130, 1.5, "normal", (1,1,1), 1, 3, false); select[1] = self text(level.mapvotedescs[level.mapvoteindices[index]], "LEFT", "TOP", -170, 150, 1.5, "normal", (1,1,1), 1, 3, false); select[2] = self shader("gradient_fadein", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 200, 350, 20, (1,1,1), 0.5, 2, false); select[3] = self shader("gradient_top", "TOP", "TOP", 0, 220, 350, 2, (1,1,1), 1, 2, false); self notifyonplayercommand("up", "+attack"); self notifyonplayercommand("up", "+forward"); self notifyonplayercommand("down", "+toggleads_throw"); self notifyonplayercommand("down", "+speed_throw"); self notifyonplayercommand("down", "+back"); self notifyonplayercommand("select", "+usereload"); self notifyonplayercommand("select", "+activate"); self notifyonplayercommand("select", "+frag"); for(;;) { command = self waittill_any_return("up", "down", "select"); if(command == "up" && index > 0) { index--; select[0] settext((index + 1) + "/6"); select[1] settext(level.mapvotedescs[level.mapvoteindices[index]]); select[2].y -= 20; select[3].y -= 20; self playlocalsound("mouse_over"); } else if(command == "down" && index < 5) { index++; select[0] settext((index + 1) + "/6"); select[1] settext(level.mapvotedescs[level.mapvoteindices[index]]); select[2].y += 20; select[3].y += 20; self playlocalsound("mouse_over"); } else if(command == "select") { if(selected == -1) { selected = index; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].value += 1; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13] setvalue(level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].value); self playlocalsound("mouse_click"); } else if(selected != index) { level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].value -= 1; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13] setvalue(level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].value); selected = index; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].value += 1; level.mapvoteui[selected + 13] setvalue(level.mapvoteui[selected + 13].value); self playlocalsound("mouse_click"); } } } } text(text, align, relative, x, y, fontscale, font, color, alpha, sort, server, value) { element = spawnstruct(); if(server) { element = createserverfontstring(font, fontscale); } else { element = self createfontstring(font, fontscale); } if(isdefined(value)) { element.label = text; element.value = value; element setvalue(value); } else { element settext(text); } element.hidewheninmenu = true; element.color = color; element.alpha = alpha; element.sort = sort; element setpoint(align, relative, x, y); return element; } shader(shader, align, relative, x, y, width, height, color, alpha, sort, server) { element = spawnstruct(); if(server) { element = newhudelem(self); } else { element = newclienthudelem(self); } element.elemtype = "icon"; element.hidewheninmenu = true; element.shader = shader; element.width = width; element.height = height; element.align = align; element.relative = relative; element.xoffset = 0; element.yoffset = 0; element.children = []; element.sort = sort; element.color = color; element.alpha = alpha; element setparent(level.uiparent); element setshader(shader, width, height); element setpoint(align, relative, x, y); return element; } randomindices() { array = []; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { array[i] = randomint(level.mapvotemaps.size); for (j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (array[i] == array[j]) { i--; break; } } } return array; } maptostring(map) { switch(map) { case "mp_alpha": return &"LOCKDOWN: "; case "mp_bootleg": return &"BOOTLEG: "; case "mp_bravo": return &"MISSION: "; case "mp_carbon": return &"CARBON: "; case "mp_dome": return &"DOME: "; case "mp_exchange": return &"DOWNTURN: "; case "mp_hardhat": return &"HARDHAT: "; case "mp_interchange": return &"INTERCHANGE: "; case "mp_lambeth": return &"FALLEN: "; case "mp_mogadishu": return &"BAKAARA: "; case "mp_paris": return &"RESISTANCE: "; case "mp_plaza2": return &"ARKADEN: "; case "mp_radar": return &"OUTPOST: "; case "mp_seatown": return &"SEATOWN: "; case "mp_underground": return &"UNDERGROUND: "; case "mp_village": return &"VILLAGE: "; case "mp_terminal_cls": return &"TERMINAL: "; case "mp_rust": return &"RUST: "; case "mp_highrise": return &"HIGHRISE: "; case "mp_italy": return &"PIAZZA: "; case "mp_park": return &"LIBERATION: "; case "mp_overwatch": return &"OVERWATCH: "; case "mp_morningwood": return &"BLACK BOX: "; case "mp_meteora": return &"SANCTUARY: "; case "mp_qadeem": return &"OASIS: "; case "mp_restrepo_ss": return &"LOOKOUT: "; case "mp_hillside_ss": return &"GETAWAY: "; case "mp_courtyard_ss": return &"EROSION: "; case "mp_aground_ss": return &"AGROUND: "; case "mp_six_ss": return &"VORTEX: "; case "mp_burn_ss": return &"U-TURN: "; case "mp_crosswalk_ss": return &"INTERSECTION: "; case "mp_shipbreaker": return &"DECOMMISSION: "; case "mp_roughneck": return &"OFF SHORE: "; case "mp_moab": return &"GULCH: "; case "mp_boardwalk": return &"BOARDWALK: "; case "mp_nola": return &"PARISH: "; default: return &"MAP: "; } }
the_bad_boy I'm just working on a modification. I got it. I give notice.
Kalitos thank you
the_bad_boy check the voting script thread