Trying to do stuff to otherplayers but I am having issues.
peep try
instead of self and if it's still the same
Resxt Already tried this and it's the same outcome
peep Show the rest of the code. Are you using GSC Studio? GSC Studio give syntax errors also on many cases where there no issue
Sorex No. I am using VSCode. There are no code errors and that is my whole function. My issue is that it applies to me and the bots. I ONLY want it to apply to bots / other players.
peep So your function don't have a name. Please show the full code of this aimbot
Sorex It's not meant to be an aimbot.
It's setting the localplayers view angles and the bots view angles.
I only want to set the bots view angles.
botsmovement(player) { self endon("disconnect"); for (;;) { wait 0.05; for ( i=0; i < level.players.size; i++ ) { player = level.players[i]; if ( != { player setPlayerAngles(vectortoangles(self getTagOrigin("j_head") - player getEye())); } } } }
isBot( entity ) { return isDefined(entity.pers["isBot"]) && entity.pers["isBot"]; } botsmovement() { level endon("game_ended"); for (;;) { wait 0.05; for ( i=0; i < level.players.size; i++ ) { player = level.players[i]; if (!isBot( player) && != { player setPlayerAngles(vectortoangles(self getTagOrigin("j_head") - player getEye())); } } } }
level thread botsmovement();
in your init and should work fine. There no syntax error here. -
Sorex Thank you for the response, This doesn't work.
I'm not sure if "isBot" works in MW3 but I could be wrong.
peep my pad it work just with players change !isBot( player) with isBot( player). Remove the ! in front
Sorex Still doesn't work my man
Is it possible for me to check if a string contains a certain word?
For example
if ( contains("bot")) { //do stuff to bots here }
is this possible in gsc?
peep isBot does work if you're using Bot Warfare
Human players don't have isBot, it's undefined
Bots have it set to true. See my example here my case I check for human players only so I check for undefined and false so check for defined and true instead)
Resxt Thanks for the reply but I got it working, I did this.
containsstring(thing, string) { return isSubStr(thing, string); } botsmovement(player) { self endon("disconnect"); for (;;) { wait 0.05; for ( i=0; i < level.players.size; i++ ) { player = level.players[i]; if (containsstring(, "bot")) { player setPlayerAngles(vectortoangles(self getTagOrigin("j_head") - player getEye())); } } } }