Game crashes when using server search bar
For some odd reason when I type in the search bar in the Plutonium server overlay and press the orange 'Search' button or press Enter, the game crashes. I get no error message. Started happening since today, maybe faulty on my side, maybe one on Pluto? I'm not sure, but it started after the update.
Not really a big deal but would save some hassle scrolling all the time to find my favorite servers.
Thought someone might have the same problem has a fix or if it is a Server sided issue then this is just a heads up to the devs. -
i have the same exact problem i thought it was just me or my computer but seems like its happening to others
zeistenaar misery_ this is a known bug introduced with the new update. This will be fixed asap
Yes, i have the same problem, also i can´t find the ¨op gold¨ servers from OptimusX
Lord-san i can see them just fine in europe, might be because of your region? Also seems like a lot of servers aren't there but if you use the search bar they will show up eventually
zeistenaar i can see it now, i guess were restarted, i´m from American Region anyway, thanks, also the search bar issue is fixed now.