Game Freezing on mw3 when changing settings at main menu
When I get into the mw3 plutonium main menu my game will get stuck in the plutonium command prompt. I have already downloaded direct x and vcredist. Whenever I change even the smallest of a setting like anti aliasing then hit confirm I will be stuck in the command prompt for ages.
TidiSprinkle Try this
Change your video settings without crashing the game (borderless windowed)
Make sure your game is closed before doing that.
Go to where your Modern Warfare 3 is installed and go in theplayers2
Then openplutonium.cfg
with the notepad to edit it.
and change it to be like this (you can use ctrl+f to search for it):
seta r_displayMode "windowed (no border)"
Worked perfectly thank you for the fast reply and sorry for my slow ass response. Thank you very much.