Using ammo in stock instead of clip
Hi I'm relatively new to modding but I know my way around. I can read an understand what the code is doing.
I'm trying to recreate the Ring of Fire specifically its tier 3 effect, where the player uses its ammo in stock instead of the clip.
The basic concept is to put the following code into a loop (hopefully it's properly formatted)
if(self isFiring() && self attackButtonPressed()) { if( self GetWeaponAmmoStock( self getCurrentWeapon() ) > 0 ) { self setWeaponAmmoClip(self getCurrentWeapon(), self GetWeaponAmmoClip( self getCurrentWeapon() )+1); self setWeaponAmmoStock(self getCurrentWeapon(), self GetWeaponAmmoStock( self getCurrentWeapon() )-1); } }
The problem it's not smooth and the bullets in the clip can still decrease. I thought about using this, but it doesn't help.
// Use ammo from stock if( self GetWeaponAmmoStock( self getCurrentWeapon() ) != 0 ) { self setClientDvar("sf_use_ignoreammo", "1"); } else { self setClientDvar("sf_use_ignoreammo", "0"); }
I also can't use dvars such as
player_sustainAmmo 1
because it's globally applied.Here's a function that calculates the time between shots:
( I thought about using it as a delay, but it came out it's a bad idea )self.timeBetweenShots = gettime() - self.lastShotTime; self iprintln(self.timeBetweenShots / 1000); if(self isFiring() && self attackButtonPressed()) { self.lastShotTime = gettime(); }
I couldn't find any function related to when a player is shooting or more specifically a function that detects change in ammunition.
So right now I'm kinda lost, as I really want to make it smooth (aka the ammo in the clip has to stay still) but I also want a code that works for every weapon (considering their rate of fire).
Also, this one is too slow
self waittill("weapon_fired");
Any tips?
I wanted to add that the first part of the code, works if your weapon is automatic.
Otherwise there's a delay that must be calculated.
Solved, here's the code! Remember to run this in a loop
// We need to make sure the player shot and is holding the shooting button if(self isFiring() && self attackButtonPressed()){ // Use stock instead of clip if( self GetWeaponAmmoStock( self getCurrentWeapon() ) > 0) { ClipSize = WeaponClipSize( self getCurrentWeapon() ); CurrentClip = self GetWeaponAmmoClip( self getCurrentWeapon() ); CurrentClipDiff = ClipSize - CurrentClip; CurrentStock = self GetWeaponAmmoStock( self getCurrentWeapon() ); self setWeaponAmmoClip(self getCurrentWeapon(), ClipSize); self setWeaponAmmoStock(self getCurrentWeapon(), CurrentStock - CurrentClipDiff); } }
I'm unsure how this would work for dual wield weapons, the following might work for World at War but unsure about other games
Add this to any if statement:
&& !maps\_zombiemode_weapons::weapon_is_dual_wield( CurrentWeapon )